Colesville Meals on Wheels and the national MOW program
There is a national federation of home feeding programs that any meals on wheels group can join if it wishes. There is an informal connection among the meals on wheels groups in the Washington area most of which are independent programs. Representatives from the various programs in Montgomery County get together upon occasion to exchange information and discuss common problems, available resources, etc.
Meal Cost
We contract with Holy Cross Hospital to prepare the meals. At the beginning of each month clients receive a statement, sent with the meal delivery, covering the cost of meals for that month. The current cost for two meals is $6.50 per day. Payment is due upon receipt and can be returned via the delivery volunteer. Checks should be made payable to Colesville Meals on Wheels.
Financial Aid
Financial assistance is available for clients who are unable to afford the full cost of the meals. Please notify Colesville Meals on Wheels at the time of application if financial aid is needed. A financial evaluation will be made to determine eligibility for aid.
What are the meals like?
We deliver one cold lunch meal and one frozen dinner meal, Monday through Friday. There is a five week cycle of 25 different menus. The food content is determined by the hospital dietitian in consultation with the Montgomery County nutritionist. The diet is low in fat, salt, and sugar. Clients can easily adapt each day's menu to accommodate their diabetic needs. The meals are delivered between 11:45 am and 1:00 pm. The meal may also be Mechanically Softened or Puree.
Meal Cancellation Policy
Should you need to cancel meals for two or more consecutive days, you must do so before 9:30 AM on the day before the day of cancellation. Similarly, to resume meal service you must call the office no later than 9:30 AM on the day before service is to resume. This is a consequence of the Hospital beginning meal preparation the day before the delivery day.
Meals cannot be cancelled by the preparer (Holy Cross Hospital) for just one day, so you will be charged for a one day cancellation or if the call is after 9:30 AM. Nevertheless, to save our volunteers time and gas, we ask that you notify us as early as possible when you will not be home.
There may be a delay in resuming service for cancellations longer than two weeks as we try to use our resources with other waiting clients.
We do not deliver on permanent federal holidays: New Years, Martin Luther King, Presidents, Memorial, Juneteenth, Independence, Labor, Columbus, Veterans, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. If these holidays fall on a Saturday, we don't deliver the Friday before. If they fall on a Sunday, we don't deliver the Monday after.