Volunteer Information
All the people who work at Colesville Meals on Wheels are volunteers.
The volunteers at any Meals on Wheels organization are the heart’s blood of the group. They are the ones who serve day in and day out. They are our most valuable asset and yet they are doing this valuable work, giving of their valuable time for nothing more than a couple of cookies and a thank you. We are constantly looking for more of these angel-volunteers because volunteers get sick, move away, or are unable to work for other reasons. Not only do we need drivers and deliverers, but from time to time we need others, such as people to substitute for the Coordinator of the Day, a back-up Treasurer, routing people, and others.
The clients are not the only ones who have benefited from this service. We volunteers have met many lovely clients and have become concerned about and attached to some of those clients, doing extra things for them. Surely our lives are richer for having met them. Many of us have formed lasting friendships with our fellow volunteers. We have been touched by the love of God in those who cared enough to create our organization and by the service we have done for others and their reaching back to us with their gratitude.
There is nothing more comforting than to be able to have a sense of home, to be in your own space. That’s the embodiment of the American Dream. It is gratifying to know that we can help someone hold on to that for a little longer.
The greatest constant is the wonderful, heart-felt dedication of our gracious volunteers.
Volunteer by calling our office or sending a web email message from our Contact Page.